Moved to Hugo

Hello, Hugo! Welcome to my blog. Things did not change that much, did they? Well, actually, they did: I moved from Ghost to Hugo. Hugo is one of many static site builders. I started blogging around 2006 on WordPress, stopped it, and came back to blogging with Ghost in late 2014. Eventually, I feel now really free. WordPress in the early days was a handy tool for bloggers in 2006-ish and became a powerful tool for literally any use case you can imagine for a website. »

Author image Sebastian Steins

The Story Behind

ProductHunt, BetaList, TechCrunch, Hacker News, Reddit and other sites all have a huge impact on the traction a startup or a bootstrapped micro service might gain at the very beginning. I was looking for some metrics of how successfull startups will become after they have been featured on those sites. So I played around with ProductHunt, CrunchBase and Angellist APIs to get some insights into the data. One of my first ideas included a small site where you could track the performance of products featured one year ago on ProductHunt. »

Author image Sebastian Steins

How to Throw A Hackathon

After I attended several hackathons in the past either as participant, mentor or team captain, I’ve had the pleasure to be one of the co-initiators of the hackathon. Throwing a hackathon goes far beyond the stress level than participating one, especially, if you try to do this – as in our case – without a noteworthy budget. Be specific If you think about throwing your own hackathon, one of the first question you have to face is the same as when founding a startup: What will set you apart from other events? »

Author image Sebastian Steins

Innovation In Health Care

Health Care and Life Sciences are amongst the most regulated sectors of the world. The way modern health care systems work is strongly influenced by different gate-keeping systems. Big pharma mostly thinks of “blockbuster pills”, leaving people suffering from orphan diseases alone, most of the time. Also, customized medicine does not fulfill the patterns the industry got used to for centuries. New technology and digitalization can bring health care to a new level. »

Author image Sebastian Steins

Let's Talk About CC

OK, Yahoo did it: After launching Wall Art, they will finally sell prints from CC-licenced photos of their Flickr users. The internet is embarrassed. But why? Actually, the “commercial” flag of those CC-universe was exactly invented for this what it claims to be invented for: “commercial usage”. It sounds a bit like the argumentation in the religious wars between BSD and GPL style. In the software world the GPL permits every kind of usage of software as long as you share the code and your adaptions “alike”. »

Author image Sebastian Steins